“Impactful” Is NOT a Real F%#@ing Word!!

Dear Whoever has decided to include the word “impactful” in online dictionaries,

This is a fake word. Such words muddy the meaning and nuance of real words. Yes, I understand that language, word use and word meanings change and develop over time; new words pop up in our lexicon continuously. And there are words that are created in conversational settings that can convey the essence of the speaker’s meaning when the right word isn’t on the tip of the tongue. Usually these words or phrases are intended to be humorous or terrifying, but were never meant to appear in print or be taken seriously as a proper word. “Ginormous,” “Paris-Hilton,” “Vancouver-Will-Win-the-Stanley-Cup-in-2011” are three examples.

However, “impactful” is not a real word and should have NEVER appeared in print. Though an online dictionary has the following entry, I cry “FOUL.”


Adjective: Having a major impact or effect: ‘an eye-catching and impactful design.'”

As you may have inferred from the description of this ersatz word, the hint at the word’s origin lies in this definition’s example phrase, “eye-catching…design.” This is a word that was created in an advertising company. Yes, advertising. The same people who brought us: “lite,” “nite,” “drinkability,” “powercision,” “signage,” I could go on.

People create such words when they are at a loss for the correct word and are too lazy/pressed for time/proud to look it up in a real dictionary or ask someone for help. So when some advertising dolt was groping for the word “effective” or “influential,” “impactful” popped into her/his head then tumbled out of her/his mouth.   The other marketing/business goons in the room, upon hearing this new word, were either: too dumb to know that word isn’t real; too confused, to the point of distraction when the word was uttered, to speak up and correct this person; clearly thankful that there was someone in the room who was dumber than s/he; or not paying any attention.

People, let us not reward other’s ignorance by allowing these words to be included in our language. Let’s make people work for the language in order to truly understand word meanings and nuances. This is a difficult language, yes. But, if we band together, we can be an eradicational* force to end this madness.


The Sassy Librarian

*”eradicational” is not a real word, either. Sadly, I’m still worried about its spelling.

About The Sassy Librarian

Librarian. Writer. Curmudgeon.
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40 Responses to “Impactful” Is NOT a Real F%#@ing Word!!

  1. Karl O says:

    I find impactful a useful word in that it clearly marks its users as people I want nothing to do with. With whom I want nothing to do. Whatever. Plenty of real words fall into this category also, depending on usage. People who talk about actualizing their potential for instance… 🙂 Hmm. Maybe actcualize isn’t a real word either come to think of it. Still. Serves a purpose dunnit? 😀

  2. Col says:

    So what is the “correct” word to use instead?

  3. Asdf says:

    “Impact” is a noun which sees a fair amount of use in our language, so why not have an adjective form of it? E.g. As with ‘beauty’ and ‘beautiful.’ It just seems intuitive. Also, ‘real’ words haven’t been fixed since the beginning of language, they had to “tumble out of someone’s mouth,” then get accepted by exposure. And disliking it because it had a corporate origin just seems like guilt by association to me. I just respectfully disagree, no intention to start a linguistics flame war here, haha.

  4. Michael says:

    Hey there, maybe you can help me out. Been searching for a substitute for this word (one which is not so controversial), but I can’t find one which really conveys what I feel this word does. I saw your suggestions, “influential” and “effective”, but they don’t seem to impart what I’m really trying to say. Here is a sentence that I have recently used it in:

    (In the context of the immorality of burning your countries flag)

    “Symbolism is real, and impactful- and people have indeed died “under this banner”, as they themselves would say.”

    1. I don’t want to use “effective”, because it implies that symbolism is, perhaps, being “wielded” here; i.e. being used as propaganda, or to manipulate people.

    2. I don’t want to use “influential”, because that is a passive word. I don’t want to say that symbolism has only passive influence.

    I use “impactful” here with this definition in mind: Actively powerful and effecting change.
    Is there another word that I can use here?

    • Sorry to take so long. How about “powerful”?

      • Scott says:

        I know this is an old thread, but I just can’t help but respond to the suggestion that the word “impactful” can be replaced by “powerful” or even “effective”. These are nowhere close to synonyms. “Powerful” can only be a reasonable substitute for “impactful” if “power” and “impact” are synonyms. Clearly they are not. And “effective” has the implication of having achieved a desired result. f I dropped my pants and mooned someone, my action would have an impact, but I doubt you’d describe it as having “power”. And if my desired outcome was to make you laugh, and you instead got angry, would my action be any less “impactful”? Yet it could not be said to be “effective” since the result achieved was opposite of my intent.

        The fact is, whether it suits your overly sensitive grammarian sensibilities or not, “impactful” has a unique meaning that is evident in its etymology (i.e., “characterized by forceful impression). There are few, if any, reasonable substitutes. “Impact” is neither positive nor negative. It is simply an acknowledgement of a stimulus. It is the “thud” that happens when you drop a brick to the ground. Adjectives like “memorable” or “evocative” are in the ballpark, but they lack a certain nuance of meaning. “Impactful” is simply an acknowledgment of whether an action resulted in a measurable result without casting judgment on whether that result is good or bad, transient or persistent. In other words, it’s a generic term with purpose.

    • Using the word impactful sounds dumb.

  5. David S says:

    If a word is meaningful and many people throughout the English-speaking world use it, why can’t it be a word. You seem surprisingly quick to condemn other people’s motives for using “new” words. Why does the English language, as it has been codified and narrowed by lexicographers and grammarians, trump the language as it is used by people in everyday life? Almost every modern language was spoken long before it was written. People have communicated effectively for eons without being able to read or recite rules of grammar. By what rules would you allow ANY new word to enter the English language? Shakespeare certainly couldn’t be tolerated. That misguided, uneducated fool wrote any manner of “new” words that had only existed in conversation, or heaven fordbid, his own mind. Why do we encourage such laggards by endlessly studying and performing their writings?

    • Hi David,

      Sorry to take so long to reply. (You probably don’t care)

      As I only briefly touched on in the post “Yes, I understand that language, word use and word meanings change and develop over time; new words pop up in our lexicon continuously.” Words are created constantly to create meaning, capture place or a mood when nothing else, no other words, will do. This is sometimes done to beautiful effect.

      “`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
      Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
      All mimsy were the borogoves,
      And the mome raths outgrabe.” ~Lewis Carroll “Jabberwocky”

      Were new words not created our language would stagnate and our ability to communicate would be hobbled.

      However, I ask you this. In your heart of hearts, would you place “impactful” with the pantheon of brilliant, created words brought to by us poets and writers? Would you put “impactful” next to Shakespeare’s “bedazzled,” “dishearten,” or “swagger”? Pardon me for my “rant” but if you were you to so, I’d find that “laughable”.

      “Impactful” is a Frankenstein’s Monster of a word. So many other words or combinations of words work better to describe what the user means but, at the time, may have been unable to come up with when groping for a word. Thus, in my mind, “impactful” fails to be a real word and only makes the user sound pretentious.

      ~The Sassy Librarian

      P.S. If you’re a writer, you should know better.

      P.P.S. For the time, Shakespeare had a solid education.

      • David S says:

        Three points:

        First, your use of the words “in my mind” is very telling. The word doesn’t meet your personal standard and therefore no one should use it.

        Second, you seem to denounce others for creative use of language, particularly if they write for a living. Whether one does or not is irrelevant. Writers don’t have exclusive domain over language any more than doctors have over healing.

        Lastly, I’m sorry you missed the satire of my final point. Anyone who has read and tried to understand the Bard realizes he was well-educated. In his case, he used his education to expand his mind. Your education seems to have accomplished the opposite. If turnabout is fair play, any writer knows the use of expletives is a linguistic kopout.

      • David,

        Thanks for getting back! (Sincerely.)

        Your three points:

        First, “in my mind”. Of course, “in my mind”–this is a BLOG. Most blogs are opinion based and not fact based. That’s the point. Most blog writers are the narcissistic folk who believe people want to read their rants. (I do not exclude myself from this group.) So we rant loud to a chorus of groans, eye-rolls, crickets’ chirps, a few nods and/or an occasional “get a life”.

        Second, where did I denounce “creative use of language?” My contention is with “impactful.” I see I was unclear with the first P.S. “If you’re a writer, you should know better.” I should have written “If you’re a writer, you should know better than to use ‘impactful.'” I doubt this will assuage you. Your focus seems to be on the creative use of language. Again, I ask you, do you believe a creative poet and or writer would conjure up “impactful” in a piece?

        Third/Lastly. Satire is made of an entire piece of writing (or film, or play, or art), not a portion thereof. Were you using satire, you would have written the whole response in what you would consider me to consider made-up words, to illustrate the point you think I’m full of crap. That would have been funny and may have been somewhat effective. What you used in a section of your comment was “sarcasm” which is often an element of satire.

        “…he [Shakespeare} used his education to expand his mind. Your education seems to have accomplished the opposite.” I wish I could disagree with you outright on this point. I probably cast aside more than I should because of my pedantary. However, I’m not one to embrace something because someone believes it to be creative rather than misguided. That written—context is everything.

        “If turnabout is fair play, any writer knows the use of expletives is a linguistic kopout” I don’t know if you’ll believe me on this, but I see what you did there and I kind of love it.


  6. Ms. Cunt, once it’s in the a culture’s lexicon it becomes a real word. Go fuck yourself.

    • Dear Ms. Wordsmith/”Helene Janice”,
      Was it something I wrote?
      ~Ms.Cunt/Sassy Librarian

      Oopsie. Looks like someone used “impactful” in an important document/speech or uses it in meetings hoping to sound impressive.

  7. Ruth Berge says:

    Dear Ms. Lovely Sassy Librarian,

    I was in the middle of taking a class at work and had to step out because of the word “impactful”. I have a visceral, emotional response to this horrid “word”. I searched (googled) as a release and found your article which so perfectly describes how I feel. I still remember the dazed feeling I had when I first heard this “word” in use and then eventually realized that someone just made it up. Why not “Impingeful” or “hammerable” or “dazeful” (I rather like the last one). My dictionary- the one I trust mostly- says that impact has the same root as impinge and means to force tightly together. So what would it mean to be full of that quality?

    The dental allusion alone would keep me from using this word (impacted molars anyone).

    i think “powerful” is what people usually actually mean when they say “impactful”.

    Dazefully Yours
    Grateful Reader

  8. Ellisa says:

    Though I am no grammer Nazi, I do agree that the “word” is horrible and should never be used. The corporate world has taken this word and turned it into something of importance which makes my blood boil. I’ve enjoyed reading this blog. Many thanks to The Sassy Librarian!!

  9. MK says:

    Personally, I think folks who use “impactful” to be “turdtacular”.

  10. sLam says:

    The adjective impactful, a late-20th-century coinage, is frequently derided as a meaningless buzzword, but the word is here to stay whether we like it or not, and many people find it useful.

    The main gripe is that impactful is illogical because the suffix -ful means full of, and impact is not a quantity and hence can’t fill anything. The problems with this complaint are (1) that -ful also means having the quality of, and that (2) impact bears the secondary sense the power to make an impression, and such power can be a quantity.

    Another complaint against impactful is that it tends to take the place of longer-established alternatives such as powerful and influential. While this might be true in some cases, the fact that impactful has become so entrenched in the language suggests that many people don’t find it to be an exact synonym of those words and that it has shades of meaning all its own.

    Perhaps the best point against impactful is that it is frequently associated with bad business writing, but this is less and less the case as the word continues to make inroads into other types of writing.


  11. Wamby Tyler says:

    I dislike hearing this word. It is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

  12. PJM says:

    blame it all on Jodie Foster. she used this awful non-word in CONTACT in 1997 and we’ve been stuck with it ever since:

    Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster): You wanna hear something really nutty? I heard of a couple guys who wanna build something called an “airplane,” you know you get people to go in, and fly around like birds, it’s ridiculous, right? And what about breaking the sound barrier, or rockets to the moon, or atomic energy, or a mission to Mars? Science fiction, right? Look, all I’m asking, is for you to just have the tiniest bit of vision. You know, to just sit back for one minute and look at the big picture. To take a chance on something that just might end up being the most profoundly impactful moment for humanity, for the history… of history.

  13. Ehhh says:

    Thank God you weren’t around when Shakespeare was making words up

    • It cracks me up when people point to Shakespeare’s craft for comparison. Shakespeare, Lewis Carol and others demonstrate a mastery of the English language. The mind that “created” “impactful” and those who use it are far FAR from that Pantheon.

      • Roy says:

        And who are you to judge that? [late to the party but whatever]
        Impactful does take on a certain nuance that other ‘standardised’ alternatives can’t provide..see Scott’s comment, I’d like to see what you have to say to him

  14. Michael P Hileman says:

    “Impactful” means “Something that has an impact”. It’s really that simple.

    Looking at a couple of your blog posts, it seems like you just want to be thought of as a good writer. If you need to declare perfectly serviceable words as “not words” to serve that goal, that’s your perogative darling. It’s your blog.

    I will say, though… You come off as an arrogant cunt. Not cute n’ sassy.. Just kinda cunty. 😦

  15. COYG says:

    Thank you! Yes, I am tired of this ugly coinage. Right now I am hearing this word from not very bright sports commentators who seem to think that using this word makes them sound smart.

  16. Pingback: What’s Wrong With “Impactful”? | Bernardo James

  17. Pingback: What’s Wrong With “Impactful”? | Arthur Domingo

  18. Pingback: What’s Wrong With “Impactful”? | Cecil Galler

  19. JonasOfToronto says:

    I’m a little bothered by your argument. Shakespeare often just made words up, and 1700 of these invented variants and neologisms survive and remain a valued part of our rich language.
    Yes, advertisers, ugh. But that’s ad hominem isn’t it. Who cares who made up the pseudo-word ‘impactful’, as it has a totally clear meaning that is surprisingly already accepted in our language.
    And yes, I too sniffed at this noo wurd disdainfully at first, but let’s be fair, ‘impactful’ is not nearly as offensive as the everyday illitertate misuse of many established words, ones I don’t need to go into (sparing us both some pain.)
    So yes languages do change, and no I don’t think this will stop if the new invented words brought to English are fairly useful and unambiguous in meaning.

    Also – an aside – what’s with the punctuation in the ‘marketing/business goons’ description? Reading that latter half paragraph was like tumbling down stairs tripped up over misused commas and (semi)colons strewn about like so many children’s toys that should not have been left there. Just saying, oww!

    Cheers and thanks for discussing this horrible new word,
    (It’s now 2017 and ‘impactful’ and Donald Trump have for the time being taken their place of supposed authority.)

  20. ekwood2003 says:

    Yes! I alternate between cringing and wanting to hit the user with a dictionary every time I hear it. Unfortunately, I’m hearing it most often when a commentator/expert on a particular subject is being interviewed on tv or in print. 😣

  21. prburgerPaul says:

    I also resist the ‘un-impactful’ use of ‘impactful’. This neologism exposes a serious weakness; failure to identify a specific quality. If the reader should understand the effect, if the effect is important; don’t hide it; direct the reader’s attention to that effect – name the effect and add the suffix. That is why beautiful works – it names the quality that fills the object.

    To say impactful stands in place of ‘actively powerful and effecting change’.suggests that something is full of impact. However, this use reverses the relationship of cause and effect. If I see a symbol that creates an effect on me; the impact occurs with me and therefore I am full of impact.

    I believe the real purpose of this coinage is to show that the user does not know how to use affect and effect…

  22. clive says:

    It’s 2018 and impactful is still a terrible world.

  23. Not a fan says:

    Erhm, I think this is a really stupid post. You cry that impactful somehow muddies nuance yet the word in itself is nuanced.

    If I say, “of impactful (event)”, it is the event that was full of impact – which follows our grammatical logic absolutely fine. Words like “effective” or “powerful” simply do not fit in that context, it seems that simply because you do not find a use for the term no-one else would be able to either.

    Full context: “companies have seen a reduction of impactful DDoS attacks” – i.e DDoS attacks that have caused an impact to a business. Please suggest a synonym that could be used here that carries the same message, go on, I’ll wait.

    I presume that you also ban words like “television” or “polyamory” due to their bastardisation of classical languages. Or do you use those words anyway because they accurately convey the meaning of what you want to get across? I’ll just assume that it is the latter and that you are a massive hypocrite.

    We use words to convey meaning, if the meaning is understood then the word is correct. It is that simple and you would do well to remember that. Twat.

  24. Dennis says:

    Three cheers! Or maybe four….

  25. max says:

    what a ridiculous fucking thing to complain about. i’ve never seen a snobbier, more prescriptivist view of a word that’s existed for almost seventy years. do you understand what it means? do you understand its root word? yes? then what’s your fucking point? that it’s…. made up?? ‘

    i don’t know how to tell you this, but words didn’t spring up fully formed in a vacuum. we make them up. and they stick. and impactful, for however much you wish we were stuck in the 1900s, has stuck. and dictionaries – multiple dictionaries, staffed with actual lingual experts, not people with blogs – list it as a regular old phrase, no “informal” in sight. go do some actual grammatical education instead of licking the taints of your stuffy, dead forebears

    • Dear white guy who clearly uses “impactful” regularly,

      Don’t take things so personally snowflake, The point is, this is a blog. Random rants, these blogs. And only a white guy could get so wound up about someone critiquing vocabulary.

      Toughen up and try smiling more.

      Enjoy your day.

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